00:02:22 Tom Sachs: Ohhhhhh welcome back to office hour’s. So before we get. Started, I want to recognize that this is the first time since the murder of George Floyd over 60 days ago that we’ve done office hours. George Floyd’s murder is not an isolated incident. We are waking up to this systemic racism that has played this country since its inception and we, as white people, must educate ourselves and support black people.
00:01:53 Tom Sachs: Welcome to office hours.
00:01:57 Tom Sachs: Really exciting day. We got the T - 48 hours and counting to the first Launch of SpaceX dragon, we’re going to space on the US made rocket made in America the first time in I don’t know how many years. Hi Tricia Stelzner say hi to Adam, are we excited? Yes, we are. Thank you uncle Elon for making a spaceship for us.
00:00:00 Tom Sachs: When you can see it.
00:00:07 Erum: Live.
00:00:29 Tom Sachs: Can you hear me? OK. I don’t want to see how many people are watching. Hey, welcome to office hours. Just getting the camera just right. I’m just covering up my. Counters, so I don’t know how many of you are watching ‘cause I think it’s important when you make your art that you make it for you first.
Q&A 2020-05-12
00:00:03 Tom Sachs: Is it on, can you see? Can you see it? Is it on? Sound OK? Can you hear me through this?
00:02:37 Tom Sachs: Hey, welcome back to office hours. That’s by the way, Ella Fitzgerald from the Cole Porter Songbook. Highly recommended it will be in the notes. I’m missing album one. But I’ve got album two so it’s worth it. Will love for sale. We all what we can.
Q&A 2020-05-05
00:01:21 Tom Sachs: Welcome back to office hours. Can you guys hear me OK? Erum can I get a thumbs up if you can. Can you hear me alright?
00:01:36 Tom Sachs: So.
00:01:40 Tom Sachs: OK.
00:01:42 Tom Sachs: Um, I really appreciate you guys sticking with us for all these weeks. Um, I’m going to start out with. Question from jor. Jordan_Shelby. How do I bring the creativity and mental openness cultivated through I.
Q&A 2020-04-28
00:01:23 Tom Sachs: Welcome back to office hours. Great see all. Thanks for coming in and thanks for your questions. I wanted to um remind you before I take out my magic keyboard and show you what I got for you today on the iPad. That the best way to communicate with me is by sending your questions in here. Just type them on the screen and. Let’s get the conversation going and also the best way to share what you’re doing is by posting it in your stories and Hashtagging tomsachsisru.
00:00:20 Tom Sachs: Thanks for tuning in.
00:01:50 Tom Sachs: So today we’re going to talk about Sol Lewitt and conceptual art. Just going to set up my IPad magic keyboard. Look at that action, whoa. It’s kind of like a laptop now. Kanye’s password. So. OK, let’s go.
00:02:29 Tom Sachs: To understand what conceptual art is, I think we have to. Go back to 1917. And. Marcel Duchamp’s fountain, and this is a.
Q&A 2020-04-21
00:01:00 Tom Sachs: Hey so, welcome to office hours episode 2. Brought to you by wits end. Um, we’re going to answer some of the questions you had last week, and I’d encourage you to type in more. Because we’re going to add to this list. And um, oops, sorry I’m not gonna give you Kanye’s password. And, um. Keep going with these. Can you see or is there too much glare?
00:00:03 Mark Anthony Green: Back again with another one. Two a days. Two days two days. I am very very very excited for our next guest on the drop in. If you don’t know, I am Marc Anthony Greene. This is GQ’s drop in peace and love. Thank you for being here. Thanks for rocking with us. We have. Um? A man who is one of the most interesting people on the planet joining us today, artist Tom Sachs.
Q&A 2020-04-14
00:00:15 Tom Sachs: Hey Instagram live. So today we’ve got office hours. And I’m going to set you up and take you to a better spot so you can see so we can all see and we can talk and you can ask some questions.
00:00:39 Tom Sachs: So you got a good spot. Yeah, right? Hey so um. How do I view and then I want to? I want to turn off requests.