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Tom Sachs. (lesson)

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In this video Tom Sachs teaches how to build a dome.



“Don't fight forces, use them.”
“This course in situ resource utlisation, that means using the resources in your situation to solve your problem.”


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00:00:07 Sam Ratanarat: Understand your environment.

00:00:12 Sam Ratanarat: Understand your resources.

00:00:17 Sam Ratanarat: See the potential.

00:00:21 Sam Ratanarat: Do the work.

00:00:25 Sam Ratanarat: Manifest.

00:00:29 Sam Ratanarat: Realise.

00:00:32 Buckminster Fuller: We need to find within technology that there is something we can do, which is capable of taking care of everybody. And to demonstrate that this is so, that’s what geodesic domes are about.

00:00:55 Buckminster Fuller: Don’t fight forces, use them.

00:01:04 Tom Sachs: Over the next two weeks you will be building a geodesic dome using what’s around you. This is not a course in dome geometry or architecture.

00:01:19 Tom Sachs: This is a class about embracing uncertainity, understanding the limitations and potential of your immediate surroundings. Relying on your intuition.

00:01:32 Tom Sachs: Relying on your resolve. Relying on your own creativity and rising to meet challanges.

00:01:42 Tom Sachs: The solution to every problem exists, you just have to find it.

00:01:49 Tom Sachs: This course in situ resource utlisation, that means using the resources in your situation to solve your problem.

00:02:01 Tom Sachs: By August 14th you will have completed your dome, here is the recipe.

00:02:08 Tom Sachs: You’ll produce a single eight and half by eleven inch sheet of paper explaining what your dome is about. The sheet must have your name, the date and the title of your dome.

00:02:23 Tom Sachs: You will also produce a one minute video, you need your name, the name of your dome and what’s important about it. You have one minute, make it count.